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a traveler. an entrepreneur. a wonderful person

Ann Low
Ann Low is a serial entrepreneur, author and cancer advocate. After her own cancer diagnosis in 2014, Ann, who spent several decades as a surgical assistant to a glaucoma specialist, recognized how little she knew about the cancer journey, even with her vast medical background. This raised a question in her mind, “If I found the experience difficult, what must it be like to have no medical background and receive a cancer diagnosis?” This question was the impetus for her to pen, Holy Crap I Have Cancer! Now What? What to Expect When You Weren’t Expecting, a book that assists patients, who are newly diagnosed with cancer through their treatment and into survivorship. Prior to joining the Cancer Fund, Ann spent nearly a decade as the Executive Director of a Phoenix based non-profit, Hearts of Stone, whose mission is “to develop entrepreneurialism in at-risk children and to transform the organizations that support them”. Ann was drawn to the Cancer Fund’s mission to invest in only early stage cancer innovations and hopes to be a part of a like-minded individuals driven to have a real impact on cancer. Besides her advocacy, Ann is a mom, wife, caregiver to her elderly parents and likes to dabble in several different mediums of art.