Collaborator Community
a web specialist. a traveler. experienced and creative
Muneeb Khan
Muneeb Khan is a young and experienced web design specialist with an experience of about 16 years. He started early in his High School on Upwork (formerly oDesk) and successfully lead to a Top Rank in no time with every project rated 100% in score. Holding a degree in Master of Business Administration from one of the top universities in his country, a Foundation Degree from National College of Arts and has been awarded numerous awards and certifications from Tech Giants such as Google, Microsoft and Cisco.
He is a passionate designer but also is the owner of Tailored Artistry LLC, Emm Kay Customs and Zai Construction Corporation, an influencer who believes in making the world an easier place to live in. He has influenced many students in different educational institutes to learn, grow and believe by his success stories and taught them various techniques of making a living through online platforms and how to invest their time and money.
He believes in making the world a peaceful place to live in. Clean energy, clean oceans, clean seas, planting trees throughout the globe to prevent the Global Warming, providing food and clothing to the poor and sheltering them when they are in need, donating to many campaigns such as cancer, getting rid of drug abuse, human rights, awareness about health conditions and child labor.
"The world needs a reset button. Everyone deserves a fresh start, a better peaceful start"
– Muneeb Khan
Like Blue, Muneeb believes in the same Mission Statement. For us humans, clean water is not simply a vital need for our bodies, it is also a resource we benefit from every day. At home, we use it for cooking, cleaning, showering and flushing. Our food, clothes, mobile phones, cars and books all use water in their production. We use water to build our homes, schools and roads, and to heat buildings and cool power plants. With the electricity we generate from its movement, we light our cities and our homes. On a hot summer day, we dive into the sea or go for a stroll by a lake to cool off.
Many countries in the Europe have regulated the water quality and have treated the wastewater protecting their marine life and species. When we change the nature of the water, the quality changes. It either becomes resourceful and beneficial or it becomes a waste. Water quality matters.
"People need to join hands. Work together. Be resourceful. Enlist their names on God's book. This is not hard as it seems. When you have people, a thousand more with you, working all their way to make a better peaceful world we live in, it is not hard anymore. Do your part! If not re-living the past on better terms is possible, living a better future is. Do it for the people to come, do it for others, do it for yourself" says Muneeb, "The world has suffered enough and so have you. It is time we all join hands and work together to make this world shine again".