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Village in Pokhara, Nepal – Children’s Home

Mission: Self-Sustainability

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At BLUE, we feel called to the mission field of our world. Our mission projects are at the very heart of how our Creator has asked us to live. Our hope is that by sharing His love through our efforts, it gives us the opportunity to strengthen, empower and inspire others who are taking the journey with us.


In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven

– Matthew 5:16

​At BLUE, we feel called to the mission field of our world. Through our global network of collaborators, we have learned of a group of young Nepalese girls needing support for their schooling expenses. The families of these girls aren't able to contribute to their education financially. If they are not in school, they are often forced into marriage at a young age. Your contribution will be life-changing for these girls. They deserve a chance to learn and grow, independent of life circumstances. Consider making a difference in the lives of these innocent children.


*For a detailed report of costs associated, please email us requesting the information at

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